To display customer balance information, follow the steps below:
- Get started (SAP menu path, fast path)
- Customer balance display: initial screen
- Customer balance display: balance
- Customer line item display
- Customer transaction
- FI invoice
- User menu path:Role ZSBM => Accounts Receivable=> Account => FD10N - Customer Balance Display
- SAP Fast Path: /nFD10N
・ FD10N Screen will be shown SAFI
・ FD10N Input Customer
Company code
Fiscal year
・ FD10N Customer Balance Display will be shown Trcode Td FD10N
・ FD10N Customer Item Display will be shown Trcode Td FD10N
・ Double click on one of the line items to display the customer transaction, which is the debit or customer invoice (see below for an example).
・Click the overview overview button button to display the FI invoice, i.e. the customer debit and the WBS credit (revenue) line items, as shown below.
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