Saturday, August 27, 2016

Purchase order tcodes

ME21N   Create purchase order MM 
ME22N   Change purchase order MM 
 Display purchase order MM 
ME21   Create purchase order MM 
ME2N   purchase orders by PO Number MM 
ME9F   Message Output: purchase orders MM 
ME29N   Release purchase order MM 
ME2L   purchase orders by Vendor MM 
ME2M   purchase orders by Material MM 
SPRO   Customizing 
MIGO   Goods Movement MM 
MIRO   Enter Incoming Invoice MM 
MD04   Display Stock/Requirements Situation PP 
NACE   WFMC: Initial Customizing Screen SD 
ME51N   Create purchase Requisition MM 
ME52N   Change purchase Requisition MM 
ME53N   Display purchase Requisition MM 
VA01   Create Sales order SD 
VA02   Change Sales order SD 
MMBE   Stock Overview Logistics 
VA03   Display Sales order SD 
MD02   MRP 
VOV8   Document Type Maintenance SD 
CO02   Change Production order PP 
KO88   Actual Settlement: order CO 
ME11   Create Purchasing Info Record MM 
ME59N   Automatic generation of POs MM 
ME59   Automatic Generation of POs MM 
ME54N   Release purchase Requisition MM 
ME5A   purchase Requisitions: List Display MM 
MN04   Create Message: PO MM 
ME80FN   General Analyses (F) MM 
VL10B   purchase orders Due for Delivery Logistics Execution 
ME28   Release purchase order MM 
ME22   Change purchase order MM 
ME23   Display purchase order MM 
MEMASSPO   Mass Change of purchase orders MM 
BBP_POC   Process purchase order SRM 
ME1P   purchase order Price History MM 
ME2J   purchase orders for Project MM 
MEPO   purchase order MM 
ME91F   purchase orders: Urging/Reminders MM 
ME2W   purchase orders for Supplying Plant MM 

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